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NEC Tokin-logoNEC TOKIN Corporation manufactures electronic components and devices. It offers conductive polymer tantalum capacitors, tantalum capacitors, super capacitors, and proadlizers; EMI countermeasure parts, flex suppressors, and transformers/choke coils; and piezoelectric ceramics, piezoelectric inverters for cold cathode tubes, and multilayer piezoelectric actuators. The company also offers electronic materials, such as memoalloys, ferrite cores, permanent magnets, and electromagnet/electromagnet applied products; magnetic direct current sensors, and thermal sensors; anechoic chambers; and miniature relays.

TOKIN's products have applications in the automotive, home appliance, industrial, IoT, medical, and networking sectors. Its lineup includes tantalum, electric double layer, and polymer capacitors. It also offers power inductors, noise filters, ferrite plates, piezoelectric devices, transformers, and various sensors.
NEC TOKIN unveiled its strategic vision, positioning TOKIN company as a pioneer in "Device Creation Originating from Innovative Materials." This initiative will shed light on our current product development status.

Among NEC TOKIN's avant-garde offerings, TOKIN is proud to present our Proadlizer, tantalum capacitor, Supercapacitor (electric double-layer capacitor), large-capacity rechargeable battery, magnetic materials for low-loss inductors, and UHF-band reader/writer and antenna technologies.

As TOKIN continues to advance the development and commercialization of cutting-edge devices built upon our material technologies, NEC TOKIN is steadily bringing to life its vision of becoming a company that not only meets current demands but also foresees future requirements across diverse fields, from energy to the environment. This endeavor is always in sync with broader societal perspectives and expectations.

tokin-productsIn April 2017, KEMET purchased a 61% controlling interest, making Tokin its wholly owned subsidiary. Once the purchase was complete, the company changed its name to "TOKIN Corporation".

KEMET offers NEC TOKIN’s electronic component products including supercapacitors, inductors, relays, flex suppressors, EMI cores and AC line filters. KEMET Electronics Corporation has entered into two agreements with NEC TOKIN: a Development and Cross Licensing Agreement and an Amended and Restated Private Label Agreement.

Yageo Tokin-logo Jun 15, 2020 In accordance with the terms of the merger agreement, Yageo has acquired all of the outstanding shares of KEMET's common stock for US $27.20 per share in an all-cash transaction with an equity value of approximately US $1.6 billion. As a result of the transaction, KEMET is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yageo, and KEMET's common stock is no longer listed on any public market. TOKIN became part of Yageo Corporation. TOKIN Corporation, a subsidiary of Yageo, is a leading manufacturer of passive electronic components. Founded in 1938, the firm's global headquarters is located in Shiroishi, Japan. The company employs almost 4,500 people worldwide and has facilities in China, South Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam.