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IMS RESISTORS Components Distributor

IMS Resistors

About ims resistors

: IMS is a leading manufacturer of thin film and thick film passive components Resistors, thermal management devices, attenuators (fixed and temperature compensating), splitters, couplers, dividers & filters.

Founded in 1974 in Portsmouth RI USA, International Manufacturing Services (IMS) is a leading manufacturer of thin film and thick film passive components for DC through millimetre wave applications. They provide both standard and custom components including resistors, thermal management devices (Therma-Bridge and Therma-Plane), allenuators (fixed and temperature compensating), splitters / couplers and dividers / filters. They are a very friendly company and enjoy working closely with customers to ensure an optimum (and often innovative) solution is found.
IMS was founded by former GE Executive, Hank Liiv. What started as a small build-to-print house has grown into a global leader of thick and thin film technology serving the world's foremost defense, medical, industrial and aerospace organizations.

Low Profile Chip Resistors
Chip Attenuators
RF Terminations
Resistive Splitters
Resistive Couplers Planar Dividers
Planar Low Pass Filters
Thermal Management Devices

IMS Resistors Distributor
IBS Electronics is an electronic component distributor of interconnect, power and electromechanical products, capacitors, transistors, resistors, diodes, fuses, integrated circuits ICs, plus a diversity electronic, electrical, and electromechanical components and assemblies.

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We understand that our customers need more than just a supplier; they need a strategic partner in their supply chain, so we strive to be that and more. We consistently utilize our in-stock inventory and global network of suppliers to reduce your procurement cycles, lower transaction costs and provide quality electronic components at competitive prices.

IBS Electronics can source IMS Resistors original and alternative parts. Often original parts for outdated products are no longer available or are very expensive due to demand. It is here our expertise can assist you to find the best solution to fulfil your requirements.