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TOP UNION Components Distributor

Top Union

About top union

: Top Union. Top Union was established in 1990 and currently operates 1 plant in Taiwan and 2 plants in China. Top Union has over 950 employees and the revenues marks the 14th year of profitability. All plants offer core manufacturing and service facilities together with professional logistics management, procurement, warehousing, distribution and material planning/kitting capabilities.
The company has built its reputation through the following strength.
No own-brand product, full of flexibility'
Medium-scale investment, low risk
Executive officers are engineering and management background
Stable and continuous supporting Board members'Good team work
Good reputation in industry
Highly recommend by customers
Service-oriented, fast response time
Suppliers support
China base is ready and profitable(continue to expand)

Top Union Distributor
IBS Electronics is an electronic component distributor of interconnect, power and electromechanical products, capacitors, transistors, resistors, diodes, fuses, integrated circuits ICs, plus a diversity electronic, electrical, and electromechanical components and assemblies.

Top Union Components - Inventory

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We understand that our customers need more than just a supplier; they need a strategic partner in their supply chain, so we strive to be that and more. We consistently utilize our in-stock inventory and global network of suppliers to reduce your procurement cycles, lower transaction costs and provide quality electronic components at competitive prices.

IBS Electronics can source Top Union original and alternative parts. Often original parts for outdated products are no longer available or are very expensive due to demand. It is here our expertise can assist you to find the best solution to fulfil your requirements.