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X MULTIPLE Components Distributor

X Multiple

About x multiple

: Xmultiple manufactures precision interface connectors and components. Xmultiple Technologies was formed specifically to develop interconnection solution products. Xmultiple has become a "Leading Source for Connector Innovation".

The connector product lines include RJ connectors, SATA/eSATA, SIM card connector, SD card connector, USB connector, HDMI connector, Headers, Ribbon connectors, RF connectors/convertors, Combo connectors, DC Power, AC Socket and RJ magnetic connectors with integrated components. Xmultiple's X-SMART connector series of products include combo connectors with RJ/MicroSD, USB/MicroSD, HDMI/MicroSD, eSata/MicroSD and more all used in Smartphones, Tablet computers, desktop, laptop, notebook, telecommunications equipment, networking equipment, video equipment, audio equipment, and many emerging mobile devices. Our component product lines include LAN modules, power inductors, common mode chokes, and emerging high speed transformers. The connector industry is a mature industry. The market size of global connector industry in 2012 was, up 30%. The market of desktop computer connectors is dominated by international large scale enterprises. Demand for advanced product features, high-speed, convenience, and connectivity is driving the connector manufacturing industry. The industry is forecast to reach an estimated US $60 billion in 2017 with a CAGR of 4.8% over the next five years (2012-2017). The tablets and desktop computer market is providing growth momentum for connectors and components at a high volume level. Connectors are an important electronic component for a mobile phone, and their quality is directly related to the quality and reliability of the mobile phone. Connectors are widely applied in industries including automobile, computer, telecommunication, manufacture, consumer electronics, aviation and military industries. Xmultiple is a global manufacturer of connectivity products supporting all applications and requirements for all these industries. Xmultiple is headquartered in the United States with multiple manufacturing factories throughout Asia.

X Multiple Distributor
IBS Electronics is an electronic component distributor of interconnect, power and electromechanical products, capacitors, transistors, resistors, diodes, fuses, integrated circuits ICs, plus a diversity electronic, electrical, and electromechanical components and assemblies.

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We understand that our customers need more than just a supplier; they need a strategic partner in their supply chain, so we strive to be that and more. We consistently utilize our in-stock inventory and global network of suppliers to reduce your procurement cycles, lower transaction costs and provide quality electronic components at competitive prices.

IBS Electronics can source X Multiple original and alternative parts. Often original parts for outdated products are no longer available or are very expensive due to demand. It is here our expertise can assist you to find the best solution to fulfil your requirements.